From Good to Great

Exoftware has been ranked 6th in the 2008 Deloitte Technology Fast 50, a ranking of the 50 fastest growing technology companies in Ireland. Rankings are based on average percentage revenue growth over five years. Exoftware grew over 1300% percent during this period.’

– Deloitte Ireland

One of the hardest things about becoming agile, both for the organisation and for the individual, is that Agile challenges parts of your brain other project delivery methodologies don’t reach.

Continuous Improvement is a tough job, but someone’s got to do it

I’ve gained an incredible amount of insight and experience by working at Exoftware as an Agile Coach since January. One of the things I love most about my job is the fact that I’ll always be learning. After all, continuous learning is the only chance we have of improving ourselves.

What Makes Exoftware Special

I’ve worked for a number of organisations, both large and small over the past decade, and Exoftware’s different for 5 key reasons:

  1. Exoftware walks the talk: We strive to apply the Agile Values of Communication, Simplicity, Feedback, Courage and Respect, with our customers and among ourselves.
  2. Exoftware acts with integrity: We tell it like it is even if the message isn’t easy to deliver or receive.
  3. Exoftware’s a learning organisation: We understand that success is defined by continuous improvement. The best learning comes from making mistakes, so we fail early as well as pool the experiences of our coaches.
  4. Exoftware creates an environment where we can be courageous: Everyone who works for Exoftware is part of the same team. Our clients are an extension of that team. We’re stronger because we work together.
  5. Exoftware really cares: We continuously improve because we care about what we do. That’s because we’re in the People business.

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