Une comédie française
Friday, 4 July 2008
There’s a lot to be said for French charm. The crowd of witty, friendly and plain speaking Parisian Agilistas with whom I had the pleasure of dining twice this week has to be the highlight of my Paris visit.
Le lieu du crime
(Un clan d’agilistes dans un restaurant à côté des Champs-Elysées)
L.: Remarques, avant que je t’ai rencontré, j’ai eu l’impression que tu étais plus agée.
P.: (Petit sourire)
L.: En fait, tu es beaucoup plus jeune que je m’imaginais.
P.: (Encore un petit sourire)
L.: En lisant ton blog, je m’imaginais une petite vieille dame genre Miss Marple.
P.: (Silence. Et puis) Merci pour le feedback.
Tous: (Éclat du rire)
Crime Scene Investigation
(A group of Agilists in a restaurant just off the Champs-Elysées)
L.: Before I met you, I had the impression that you would be much older.
P.: (Smiles)
L.: The fact is, you’re much younger than I ever imagined.
P.: (Continues smiling)
L.: In fact, I thought you would be a bit of a Miss Marple.
P.: (Stunned silence. Then) Thank you for the feedback.
All: (Loud burst of laughter)
Feedback continu et mon puzzle
Truth be told, ‘Miss Marple’ isn’t exactly the look I was going for, but it’s always nice to get feedback if only to know that my blog is being read. Call me an optimist. Paris je t’aime.
No. 1 — August 20th, 2008 at 7:11 am
[…] The first day closes with some drinks and more talk about Lean, Agile and Theory of Constraints. Portia and I go to dinner with a nice bunch of agilists, where we have more good food and drink, jokes and discussion. Portia discovers that one of her blog readers imagined her as a little old lady, sort of an agile Miss Marple […]