Une comédie française

There’s a lot to be said for French charm. The crowd of witty, friendly and plain speaking Parisian Agilistas with whom I had the pleasure of dining twice this week has to be the highlight of my Paris visit.

Le lieu du crime

(Un clan d’agilistes dans un restaurant à côté des Champs-Elysées)

L.: Remarques, avant que je t’ai rencontré, j’ai eu l’impression que tu étais plus agée.
P.: (Petit sourire)
L.: En fait, tu es beaucoup plus jeune que je m’imaginais.
P.: (Encore un petit sourire)
L.: En lisant ton blog, je m’imaginais une petite vieille dame genre Miss Marple.
P.: (Silence. Et puis) Merci pour le feedback.
Tous: (Éclat du rire)

Crime Scene Investigation

(A group of Agilists in a restaurant just off the Champs-Elysées)

L.: Before I met you, I had the impression that you would be much older.
P.: (Smiles)
L.: The fact is, you’re much younger than I ever imagined.
P.: (Continues smiling)
L.: In fact, I thought you would be a bit of a Miss Marple.
P.: (Stunned silence. Then) Thank you for the feedback.
All: (Loud burst of laughter)

Feedback continu et mon puzzle

Truth be told, ‘Miss Marple’ isn’t exactly the look I was going for, but it’s always nice to get feedback if only to know that my blog is being read. Call me an optimist. Paris je t’aime.

One Response to “Une comédie française”

  1. Thinking for a Change » Les goulots d’étranglement pt. 2 writes:

    […] The first day closes with some drinks and more talk about Lean, Agile and Theory of Constraints. Portia and I go to dinner with a nice bunch of agilists, where we have more good food and drink, jokes and discussion. Portia discovers that one of her blog readers imagined her as a little old lady, sort of an agile Miss Marple […]

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