Transforming Workplaces into Somewhere We Belong
Monday, 15 October 2012
A lifelong journey begins with a baby step…
Do you feel all washed out and chewed up by your daily slog? Are you snowed under an ever-growing mountain of low value work? Do you dream instead of making a dent in the world through positive contribution to the world from where youʼre sitting? Then itʼs time to try the latest great indoor activity to reach corporations both small and large: Enterprise Gardening.
You’ll find the presentation content here. Click past the YouTube video to see the full presentation, complete with speaker notes on Slideshare.
… with help from some special friends
A BIG “Thank You” goes to:
Team TEDxMiltonKeynes – Jo, Gareth, Hannah and Jane
- Pioneer Enterprise Gardeners who showed me how a lot of toil and even more heart can help us slowly but surely transform our workplaces into somewhere we belong: with special thanks to Dan Talpau, Chris Lane, Maria Bortes, Dyan Corutiu and Chantal Ellam and teams I’ve worked with over the years
No. 1 — October 18th, 2012 at 9:30 pm
Hi Portia, very inspiring talk.. I agree that we can build a better working environment by planting the seeds of personal growth, fulfilling other’s personal development needs. We tend to expect that personal development is the job of our managers or HR and blindly believe that it’s a big task to take on. However we can make a difference tomorrow by taking a baby step towards the right direction. As David W. Hutton puts it nicely ‘Plant clumps of seedlings in hospitable places and nurture them. As they mature these trees will spread their seeds and the forest will eventually cover the fertile land’.