Games Galore at Agile 2009!
Thursday, 20 August 2009
Well-known for our penchant for fun and games, Pascal and I will making an appearance at Agile 2009 to play two of the most popular games in our ensemble: ‘The Bottleneck Game’ and ‘The Business Value Game’.
Learning about the Theory of Constraints with The Bottleneck Game
Pascal and I kick off next Wednesday with The Bottleneck Game to demonstrate the five focusing steps from the Theory of Constraints and how it correlates with Agile, Lean and Real Options.
It’s a favourite among our set of learning games which demonstrates, time after time, the relevance of the Theory of Constraints not just to projects or our work, but the way we see the world around us. After playing the game with us, you’ll acquire the necessary techniques and hands-on application to share with colleagues and friends.
Join us to learn:
- About Agile, Lean and Real Options techniques
- How to understand processes, a crucial step in business analysis
- How to use the Theory of Constraints, the Five Focusing Steps and Throughput Accounting to improve processes
- How to explain all of the above to your teams and customers
- How to create a shared “big picture” vision of a value stream for people and teams who work in functional silos
- How to get teams to collaborate to reach a common goal.
Arrive early to the session because there’ll only be enough room for 60 game enthusiasts!
Surely it doesn’t get much more exciting than this… or does it?
‘Show me the money!’ with The Business Value Game
… Yes it does! Pascal and I trialled The Business Value Game for the first time in public at Agile 2008 in Toronto. We’re back this year and in Chicago with a bigger and better version based on the valuable feedback we’ve had from playing with our numerous client teams, conference goers and fellow Agilistas around the world.
Join us next Wednesday afternoon and:
- Experience the issues facing the Customer/Product Owner
- Experience the link between program, project and story prioritisation
- Discover the right level at which to estimate Business Value
- Learn “good enough” business value estimation techniques to start delivering higher value today.
We’ll be running a total of 6 parallel teams for 50 people. Come early to get a seat at the table!
Request for Help!
We’re looking for a helper to help co-facilitate The Business Value Game. The only pre-requisites are 1) You’ve played the game before and you understand how it works; 2) You want to play it again in the large with 60 people! Contact us if you’re available and interested to help out.
No. 1 — March 23rd, 2010 at 12:55 pm
[…] to help facilitate The Business Value Game (having played it for the first time with us at Agile 2008) so that we can scale it up to 50 participants like we did at XPDay France earlier this […]