The Roles and Responsibilities of an Agile Team

TO help conventional teams transition to Agile teams
AS AN Agile Coach
I NEED to illustrate the Agile team roles and responsibilities in contrast to those of a conventional team.

Roles and responsibilities is the most frequently-asked-question when a conventional team transitions towards the Agile way of working. Pascal and I have put together a set of role descriptions for a team as they embark on their journey towards becoming agile.

Portia says: The roles and responsibilities we’ve identified are simply guidelines. They are a starting point. It’s entirely up to the team members to refine their roles to meet the goal and needs of the team.

Pascal says: Each team member will play one or more roles at any point in time, as and when the need for that role arises.

Membership of a Typical Agile Team

TO improve the effectiveness of the customer and users of the product and maximise the value of the organisation
AS AN Agile Team
WE NEED to leverage the strengths of each team member and create valuable products now and in the future.

The Role of the Agile Coach

  • Agile Coach – Creates a team that delivers value now and in the future

One Response to “The Roles and Responsibilities of an Agile Team”

  1. Thinking for a Change » Agile Roles and Responsibilities writes:

    […] Portia and I have written a number of Agile Team Roles and Responsibilities in the form of User Stories and Acceptance Criteria. We use these as a start to help the team define the roles they need to deliver value. […]

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